A critical look at the Wichita TV news

Friday, April 11, 2008

Dusting the Blogger Poll off

After about a 5 month absence, I decided to have a poll question. Its located on the right side. I have noticed based on the mapping software the readers of this blog come from all over but I am real interested to see how it looks like readers come from all across the state. Since I've never said much as to my background, other than I was once involved in the media, I ask one simple question. Simply, best describe yourself with one of 4 answers. -Hal


Anonymous said...

Hal - Don't know how much you follow the behind the scenes changes going on in television, but the most troubling one for old dye hards like me (who left the business a decade ago) is the changing nature of TV story telling all for the web. The web in all of its urgency and imediacy is the future for parts of news, but TV doesn't have to die quite yet if it still can use its advantages. Its best written in this essay from a blog about new media. Interested in your thoughts and others on this. It would certainly require a different method of thinking than the News directors currently.


Anonymous said...

Following this bozo's advice, there would be no purpose for a news director but what he's suggesting IS NOT NEWS.

Anonymous said...

Sure it is. Get rid of news directors. Yeah!