A critical look at the Wichita TV news

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Heap of Sweeps

All three stations had what I guess would be considered Sweeps pieces Tonight. KWCHers will say I am picking on him, but Brian Heap's shtick is too much. KWCH's newest reporter's style is over-the-top. His story Tonight was very 80's like, but nonetheless talked about an important issue how social security numbers and other valuable info can be found in dumpsters. I wished The Heap would have done all of Wichita a favor and just stayed in the dumpster. The story was moving along when he includes the audio from a Pennsylvania woman whose son's info was found in a Wichita dumpster. She then thanks God that The Heap was the one going through the dumpster and that he decided to take the cause on. On his Sunday story he HAD to include a line where a woman was speeding along until she saw the Heap and slowed down. Thankfully he gives himself credit, because I don't know many others who would. Its too bad, because the other reporters at KWCH who do investigative pieces, Kim Wilhelm and Michael Schwanke, do not find it necessary to tell people how important they are to the story. In fact outside of seeing them for a few seconds in the story they do not make it about them. They make their stories about the topic they are covering. WOW!! What a concept. And most of their stories are very good. How this Heap of whatever can work at KWCH, I don't understand. I think KWCH takes a huge credibility hit with The Heap filing stories for them. -Hal.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Hal. My thoughts exactly. This guy is too much. I lived through the 80s, I've seen this kind of reporting before. I didn't like it then, and I damn sure don't like it now. Please, someone at 12 I beg you: let this guy know how bad he is. Please.

Anonymous said...

Hal, I will concede to the 12 puppets that the story, while tired out and very 90s, is generally valid (so you don't have to defend the content), but I will agree with Hal 100% that Heap tarnished it by growling over the smell of the garbage he was digging through. And having to start and end on HIMSELF.. oh, what a dirty job you undertook Heap, for the safety of all of those who were born since 1989 and never heard of dumpster diving. Throw in a few full screens and you have a Channel 12 investigation. It's not even defensible.

Anonymous said...

Dumpster diving has been done every sweeps period, by every station in the country.... probably twice.

Unoriginal idea, with zero new information.

Lazy journalism. Motivated 100% by face time.

Anonymous said...

Hal-the guy with no experience and no right to judge anyone who does what we do. None. The guy is a hack who doesn't have the ball, that's right the balls, to tell us who he is or what is qualifications are.

Hal has a long history of personally attacking 12 reporters. He posted horrible things about Kim Hynes on here awhile back, encouraged posters to do that same. He's gone after just about everyone at 12.

The there are the pathetic posters from KSN and KAKE where not only are their ratings so bad and they can't afford to hire people or even keep the lights on but their only solace is coming on here to bitch.

This is standard practice in bigger markets that do real news.

The fact is both of the posters here I guarantee did not "live through the 80's" because very few people who work in this market did.

Hal has never gone after someone, with this type of anger. 3 posts in 3 days. Hal, until you come out from your shadows and actually give us your bio, your experience STFU.

This board has become nothing but Hal bashing 12 as he always has. Never in 2 years has he said one good thing. Not one.

Anonymous said...

What are your qualifications to say what makes a good story and doesn't.... Hal?

Anonymous said...

I call BS Anon 11:55

Again, when Hal has trashed 10 and 3... you pile on too.

When he turns his sites on your team ... you criticize him and question his validity.

Then, like some political parties, attempt to deflect the criticism.

Once again TT, you show your true colors ... Insecurity and arrogance.

Anonymous said...

Hal is generally pro 12. Everyone gets called out from time to time. And people "pile on" because that's what you, the Channel 12 troll, have done without factual backup for months. So what do you expect people to do? People like 12, they just don't like you.

WichitaMedia said...

Anon 11:55 (1st),
I do praise the stations, even KWCH, when there is reason. Look at the last 7 posts. I praise KWCH's new graphics, their new newsroom shot (although there were little things about it that weren't my favorite), and a story by Alana Rocha on deliquent taxes. I knew the criticism about The Heap would come from KWCH fans. I will say if KSN or KAKE had this guy on their station I know the KWCH fans would say the guy is over-the-top. I really dont understand the move of bringing on The Heap, when KWCH leads the ratings and has for so long. I didn't think they showed signs of falling, so why possibly change things for a format that may work in bigger markets (not sure of that), but I don't think will work for a largely conservative Kansas audience. They have two great and respected investigative reporters in Wilhelm and Schwankee. The Heap tarnishes what was a great Investigative Unit. If KWCH doesn't see a slide of ratings, it isn't vindication of The Heap's style. Rather, its more a credit to the best anchors in the market: Roger and Cindy. -Hal

Anonymous said...

Hal doesn't need a journalism degree to provide an astute opinion. So, asking him about his "qualifications" is a mute point. Some of our smartest minds in this market are just longtime viewers with a journalistic background.
Hal has equally thrashed rachel phillips when she was on the air--so he has not been just a 12 basher.
The Heap's hire must've come from Chad Cross, who also hired that terrible weathergirl. She continues to stumble over her graphics and hasn't improved. Way to go Chad!

Anonymous said...

The worst thing about the dumpster diving besides the reporter: This is the 3rd or 4th time KWCH's done this topic. But they've never held anyone accountable for having put identifiable personal info in the trash. It's a violation of HPPA not to safeguard medical info - a federal offense. Why no accountability in a so-called "investigative" report? Could it be just a sleazy ratings grab? Viewers see through that whether 12, 10 or 3 does it. And, who Hal is and what he does, is irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to point out good things from this ratings period so far, since we've been negative lately. From KWCH: HD. A big first step for local news, hopefully the others follow. KSN: A strong election and good specials, a forthcoming faith series would appear to touch on the fabric of Kansas. KAKE: Consistently solid day-to-day coverage. They are like rabid dogs in their approach to the daily grind, and I mean that in a good way. Whether you agree with my take or not, there's something good from all three stations. We need to focus on advancing all three stations for the better. The more respect people have for local news as a whole, the better off we all are.

Anonymous said...

So if Hal tells us he has PhD in Journalism, emphasis in ethics, his total of three degrees are from the top three Journalism programs in the nation, and his resume includes 3 long stints as a news director (one in a small, one in a medium, and one in a large market), will you stop harassing the guy for his Curriculm Vitae and his views? As ScottyT and others pointed out, this is his opinion. If you don't like what he has to say, don't read it. Go make your own blog and trumpet your views.

On a side note: Hal missed a big question I think would add to the credibility of this page. "What are your qualifications on what does make a good story and what doesn't?" Let's make this board constructive; otherwise we'll have to go make a whole new blog to pull this one out of the mindless mire.

Anonymous said...

A sweeps piece on faith? What does it add? Are they trying to convert people? The purpose of journalism is facts and holding the powerful accountable. Who is KSN holding accountable in yet another in a long line of fluff pieces. I don't care about faith in Kansas. It's like doing a piece on snow in Alaska or sun in Florida. The state is known for it, most everyone goes to church...WHO CARES?

As for KAKE...they are completely unprofessional in the field. They steal interviews, take credit for other people's legwork and are generally obnoxious. Even their former employees admit it. They are the FOX News of Wichita. A lot of flash, some bravado but at the end of the day just some empty suits.

There is no benefit to praising your competition. This is business and they are not colleagues...they are the enemy. Obviously you are a newbie 7:15.

Anonymous said...

Folks, just read what you're saying.
Hal is simply sharing his thoughts. And allowing others to share theirs.
Whether Hal is the smartest guy on earth or the village idiot means zippo.
He doesn't broadcast on TV. He doesn't own a newspaper. He's simply moderating a forum on the Web. He and at least 10 Million other people.
How f--- insecure are you that ONE person on a BLOG can drive you crazy??
Memo to all stations: you are not delivering the sermon on the mount. You are not immune from criticism. I don't even have a problem with the flame wars. If you want to vent, fine. NO ONE challenges YOUR credentials--and they shouldn't.
What part of "right to free speech" do you guys not understand??

Anonymous said...

"they are completely unprofessional in the field. They steal interviews, take credit for other people's legwork..."

aw, did someone hurt your feelings anon 10:04? the ranting and raving sound like sour grapes. they sound bitter and a little hypocritical considering your next comment about treating the competition like the enemy...because it sounds like that's exactly how someone at 10 treated you.

why don't you just stick with your usual derogatory comments about budgets? that usually makes ya feel better. or maybe the whining about how a BLOGGER is being mean to you? or gloating about the high ratings at 12 (which i doubt has anything to do with you...)

Anonymous said...

"As for KAKE...they are completely unprofessional in the field. They steal interviews, take credit for other people's legwork and are generally obnoxious..."

Anon, 10:04, sounds like some empty accusations of someone who's just bitter. They are no different in the field than anyone else. They work hard, are nice to the competition and tend to get a long with everyone (As most of the crews at all 3 stations do).

Anonymous said...

Grow up, people. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what happened to my post about Justin Kraemer being bad for channel 3? I believe it mentioned the fact that there are some really great people @ 3, excluding Anita, Dave & Justin Kraemer.

It also mentioned KAKE and their unprofessional behavior in the field.

God forbid, or Hal forbid, someone posts something negative about KSN.