A critical look at the Wichita TV news

Monday, July 30, 2007

Baseball Fever and Catastrophe for Wichita TV Stations

So Anon #4's comment from the last post mentioned how they saw on KSN's website that a new baseball team had been chosen for Wichita, but now needed the city council's approval. I must admit I heard something about this at 5PM, but wasn't paying very close attention. I forgot all about it when 6PM came around and was out and not near a TV. Doing this stupid blog has now forced me to get a DVR so I can record one station of my choosing if I am away or whatever. For some dumb reason I chose to DVR 12 at 6PM. When I saw the response about a new team I checked on the DVR and saw nothing on 12. I went to the web and saw two stories on KSN and then went to KAKE.com and saw something new I liked. They stream the first segment of their newscasts. I should say most of their main newscasts. A commenter wanted to know if I saw "the meltdown Saturday at 10 on KAKE." I didn't and was hoping they were dumb enough to stream that and they weren't. Darn.
Anyway I must say KSN did a nice job on breaking the news of the new team. Was this worth having Casey Walkup and Lauragail Locke to lead on the story about an independent team at 6PM? That's your call for the comments. I will say I think they had good reason to believe they were the only ones with the news so they definitely wanted to have full coverage on it at 6PM and own the story. Someone had previously mentioned how KSN missed a fuel leak into a Salina stream Yesterday and was this enough to make up for it. I will say the Salina story probably wouldn't have been as big of a thing if it wasn't for recent catastrophes in Valley Center and Coffeyville. Even with this said, KSN did dodge a bullet that this didn't become a bigger deal and for them they were lucky it didn't pollute the town's water system. And by 10, you quickly realized the news of the day was baseball. What gains they might have made at 5 and 6 for breaking the baseball story, were quickly overshadowed by the 10. They once again looked like the way behind third and sometimes 4th ranked station in town. They owned the story at 5 and 6 yet they waste 3 minutes on non-weather to lead the 10? This could have been technically related. Then they get to the story and Paul's mic isn't working. Then the camera wouldn't switch over as Dana's microphone was slow to get going. As for the story, it was good, too bad everything else around it didn't deserve to be in the starting line-up.
KAKE did a bad job of acting like they were on top of the baseball story at 6PM with their new sports guy thrown literally into the fire to savage the story. I am becoming impressed with this guy and his delivery, but don't get me confused. I thought KAKE had a poor effort of faking it. Although they might have tricked a few people at 6PM they were on top of things, at 10PM, they interviewed the Thunder owner and then a bunch of fans who obviously knew nothing. Not a very strong effort, but as you read on they did OK if comparing to the others overall.
KWCH had nothing on the topic at 6PM, or at least with a quick scan of the DVR. They were in a tough spot tonight, because they had a debate on the casino they simulcasted on the Internet. Their problem, they didn't make a clear decision on whether to go all out with the casino or all out on baseball for 10. You cannot have both and maybe they learned that. At 9PM on the Fox newscast Linda Marez did a remarkably solid job on the baseball story. Actually a real complete package with sound from the possible new owner (which everyone had) and then reaction from a councilman. Not bad for her and a solid job. So at 10PM they lead with the baseball rather than the casino, but instead of a solid story like Linda did on Fox an hour earlier, she just read a script over video and sound from one person. I don't think they came out looking as well as an hour earlier on Fox. Then they followed up with the casino debate. I think if that's all they were going to do with baseball they should have held that for the 2nd story. Despite KAKE's story being the weakest, they probably came out about as good as the other two, just because of some bad technical blunders or bad decisions made behind the scenes by the other two. -Hal


Anonymous said...

KAKE only streams the 4pm. Bits of the other shows go on after that show is complete.

Anonymous said...

You heap praise on KSN and make excuses when they miss the major story of the day on Sunday. Also, their technical issues are because they have almost no production staff, they fired everyone awhile back, and everything is robotic.

Anonymous said...

KSN missed a fuel spill, and that was a strike against them. But it wasn't Coffeyville. It wasn't a big story. It was diesel fuel that affected some frogs. Maybe that was KSN's good luck. But don't use that as a smokescreen to ignore the fact that they broke the biggest story on Monday.

Anonymous said...

They also are posting commercials which is a violation of copyright laws.

Anonymous said...

First of all they didn't know how big it was when they missed it.

Secondly, they didn't know and don't know what the environmental impact will be.

Thirdly, did you know that most of Salina gets its water from that river? Did you know its one of the biggest cities in the state? I am asking anon #3 because you obviously aren't from around here.

They "broke" one story but that's what 1 this year. No one watch's KSN. KWCH's FOX newscast beats them most nights.

They have the most technical problems of any stations I've ever seen. The reason: they fired their production staff and replaced them with computers.

As for KAKE's online copyright violations, someone should report them to the FCC.

Anonymous said...

OK. I'm only going to say this once. Cliff Judy-- go to bed. Or is it Kim Hynes? No, she seems too nice. Who is the bitter KWCH employee? Kim Wilhelm is too dignified. Michael Schwanke is too busy working stories. Jim Grawe is off working on his delightully quirky delivery. Bruce Haertl is calling Royals games in his living room with the FSN sound turned down. Hmmm... who could it be? Roger, you little devil! Come on, you don't need this blog, you already have Answer Back 12-- yeah, not Roger. Oh, of course. Rodney Price! You've had it in for KSN for years. Naturally you'd exact your revenge here. But stick to weather forecasting-- or, I mean, entertaining 6-year-olds during Saturday cartoons. (why do we all do weather on weekend mornings?)

Anonymous said...

Anon #5: Pass this around the KWCH newsroom: It might help to read Hal's whole blog beyond the bolded stuff that says, "KWCH." He does manage to bash the others. It may hurt more for you all since you are #1 and you think you guys can do no wrong.

Anonymous said...

Funny how KWCH constantly harps the Fox gets higher ratings then KSN when it does not... It only does in demographics and it has leadin ratings much higher then NBC these days AND is not up against any direct news competition. Put that crapfest Fox news on at 10pm it be a distant 4th..

Keep distorting the numbers Anon #5...

Anonymous said...

Anon #4 & #5 -

So if an advertiser pays a tv station for distribution wouldn't it seem unlikely they'd object when their spots reach a broader audience at no additional charge? I seriously doubt any advertiser is screaming copyright violation for having their commericials streamed on a stations website.

Anonymous said...

The problem with having the commercials stream along with the newscasts is that video streaming for TV news sites is sponsored by another entity. For example KAKE & KWCH video is sponsored by (powered by) Cox Communications. The problem isn't so much a copyright issue...it's having non-Cox ads on a Cox-sponsored service. I'm sure Cox isn't really happy about that prospect.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe it's to their benefit? At least this way Cox has their logo up during any competitors ads. Regardless, it's not a copyright issue as the previous posters speculated.