A critical look at the Wichita TV news

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Aging of KWCH's supporting cast

The Sweeps Woody Warning continued on 2 of the 3 stations tonight (3, if you include KSN with the latest medical report). KSN broke the story yesterday that a few gang members (as they called them) were arrested in a federal sting. Today they referred to it, slightly in a story about Gang problems in Wichita, but still were left clueless, by days end. KSN's bare-boned story on Wednesday must have lit a fire over at KAKE, a day later, because after a day off with nothing, Jeanene Kiesling managed to get the story today. Meanwhile KWCH was left in the dust without any mention on either day. Was KAKE's story a work of art? No, but good sourcing made the difference in this case.
As for Sweeps stories. All I can say is what was KWCH doing on Rebecca Gannon's story on computer software which can show someone apparently what they think they may look like when they get old? KWCH nabbed a few people from their supporting cast to find out. This software made the people look hideous. It was like they took some gravy and mayo, smeared it on the pictures then added a sharpee and drew some pimples. Typical Sweeps story (I was a sucker, made me watch), but at least they kept the post production work out of it (unlike other Sweeps stories this month), for the most part. -Hal

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