A critical look at the Wichita TV news

Sunday, May 20, 2007

When KAKE Handles Found Body Stories Right

Sorry for the rough sounding title for this post, but that is one thing I came away with from KAKE's 10PM newscast. A body was found floating in the river today. KAKE did a good job with the story starting out with reporter Cara Kumari giving the basics and then doing a full story on who the body might be. Going into the story I was concerned the subject matter may turn the story into a version of a guess who game, but she did the story in good taste and as I said earlier the whole part was done better than what you would even see on KAKE during a weekday. As much as I am not a fan of covering every car wreck, murder, missing body, and fire, I thought KSN was missing the mark leading with a gas price story. Sure gas prices are on the minds of a lot of people, but I haven't seen a gas story yet, which besides the prices on the board, could have just been cued up from the story done a month earlier. Even if the so called "breaking" news stories hadn't developed it would have been a lame story for KSN to lead with. I was waiting for a KAKE advertised piece about cosmetic surgery, but they must have buried it while I was flipping and caught a story which should have been promoted on KSN. While KSN promotes all their health stories, and KWCH promotes a story later in the week on a BTK profiler and KAKE promoted all weekend long about their cosmetic surgery piece, KSN should have promoted Jim Kobbe's interview with new WSU basketball coach Gregg Marshall. Even if the other stations have interviewed him, since his taking on the job, the guy's last month has been unbelievable. He accepts the job, buys and sells a house, puts together a team, and at a recruiting visit a recruit drops and dies on the basketball court in front of Marshall. Then a former basketball player at Winthrop gets in an automobile accident and dies. Hearing him talk and how he has dealt with it was something. The story was a sit down interview and you really get a good feeling about this coach as a person and how he hopefully will pick off where Turgeon left off. In case you didnt luck into seeing it, here's the link to it. -Hal


Anonymous said...

What's the merit of yet another "body" story? It's important to news personnel who need a story to get them through another weekend that they didn't bother planning for. Otherwise, who does it truly affect? Local news is a dying breed because younger generations recognize that a body in a river doesn't affect their lives. Yet local news can't get out of the convenient rut it has created for itself. While it's treading water and collecting a paycheck, those younger viewers are tuning out and looking elsewhere for other forms of media. But cost-cutting news stations don't care. So when the 20 and 30-somethings grow to the age of the core local news viewer, guess what? They won't watch it. Because they were never drawn to it at an early age. And local news will struggle with a smaller and smaller audience.

Anonymous said...

This is a troll post by someone trying to provoke an angry response. This person believes people should report only what affects the lives of 20 somethings. That translates to stories on fashion, entertainment, gossip, makeovers and whatever trivial crap you can find on E! or in the tabloids. When big stories people still go to the TV and they go online which is why even the smallest stations are expanding their on-line product.

Someone washing up dead in a river is news. Was it murder? Was it an accident? Who was it? Did they have a family? Why did they do it?

Then again, I bet if it was Natalie Holloway or Anna Nicole in the river this person would care.

Anonymous said...

What's your TV experience?

Anonymous said...

In case anyone didn't notice, young people care about more things than Anna Nicole and fashion. Maybe not recognizing that is part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Young people, most of them anyway are self-absorbed and could care less about the greater world around them.

Anonymous said...

thank you mr baby boomer who's going to retire soon and leave the US in a huge hole and worse then you found it

Anonymous said...

Actually it's the exact opposite but nice try. Those under 25 today don't care about anything but themselves. "I don't want to go to school." "I don't want to work, daddy can pay for my car." It's sick.

Anonymous said...

Whatever your generation sends all the poor kids to Iraq for a war that has no point and wont end and your generation will kill social security forever and your generation hasn't done a thing to help America or its core values. All you did was live off the greatest generation then bitch about how bad the kids are now. Who raised those kids smart guy? What generation voted in leaders that have the largest debts ever in the government? Oh yeah thats right Baby boomers!

What generation primarily voted President Bush in? Baby boomers! Thanks for leaving those brats you raised with not enough water, debt, impossible wars, More hatred then ever from other countries in a global economy.

Oh and your generation never obsessed over Elvis or the Beatles... Since you think your kids generation is all about Anna Nicole..

Anonymous said...

Young people, young people in Red States voted for Bush so they are equally to blame. And you are wrong, seniors (the Greatest Generation) voted for Bush just as much as they voted for Kerry, more actually.

Elvis had talent. Anna Nicole may have had talen but it wasn't for singing.

hardline said...

Do you two realize that you could cut and paste this anonyous debate between the middle-aged guy and the 20-something to anytime in the last 60 years and it would be totally appropriate. Funny... What happen to the body found in the river again.